Family Owned and Operated Since 1932
161 W. Clay Ave. Roselle Park, NJ 07204
P: (908)245-6200 F: (908)245-6176
Soldering Stations

Therm-O-Trac Plus Stations
The Thermo-O-Trac family of stations are digitally controlled, variable temperature stations designed for quick recovery and high reliability. These stations have been a workhorse in the field for over 40 years. We frequently hear from customers still using a 30+ year old Thermo-O-Trac. Despite past performance and positive feedback Hexacon has decided bring the processing unit up to date making these Thermo-O-Trac Plus stations even more powerful, responsive, and reliable than before.
Hexacon offers three Therm-O-Trac stations to suit a variety of needs for the user:
TOT-1002+ is the most popular station in the Thermo-O-Trac family. This adjustable unit can hold any temperature within 350ºF-850ºF and is perfect for soldering applications with wide range of temperature requirements.
TOT-1006+ allows for three discreet temperature set points that can be customized to meet temperature requirements of your process. Well suited for specific repetitive applications where minute temperature adjustment is not required.
TOT-2300+ has a larger element and tip providing the highest heat capacity of any temperature controlled station. Perfect for fast soldering heavy thermal loads with quick temperature recovery.
Independently replaceable component parts and tips mean that this updated unit will perform brilliantly and last a lifetime.
- Optimally placed internal thermocouple senses tip temperature and corrects any variance immediately by adjusting power through a closed feedback loop.
- Zero voltage switching circuit allowing for a +/-1% variance at idle temperature and fast recovery times.
- Variable temperature models (TOT-1002+/TOT-2300+) can be set for any temperature in range (350ºF-850ºF).
- Does not produce levels of EMI, RFI, ESD, electrical or any other energy forms detrimental to sensitive devices.
- All TOT units can be easily calibrated in the field without any special components or tools to ensure certification compliance with industry standards and MIL Specs.
- 36 VAC transformer provides quick power heat up.
- All models are available in either 110 VAC/60 Hz or 220 VAC/50 Hz.

HTC Stations
The HTC Series provides rapid heat up and quick recovery for fast, efficient soldering. Continuously variable temperatures of 550ºF to 850ºF ± 10º F are controlled by solid state circuitry. Positioning the ceramic heater inside the tip guarantees maximum thermal efficiency. The unit is completely ESD safe - due to a positively grounded tip together with a static dissipative handle and case. It gives spike-free performance and meets all MIL-Spec's.
HTC stations are available in single or dual form and standard or high heat capacity handpieces, independently controlled. A mixed dual model extends the model range to 5 units. The sponge holder design includes a stainless dross collection tray with hot tip rest and a double sponge with two holes, four wiping surfaces and extended water capacity.
A wide selection of CT tip shapes (common to the Phenix Series irons) and with point sizes from 1/64" to 1/4" makes for an extensive application range. The HTC is a flexible performer, economical both in purchase cost and countertop footprint, especially considering dual hand piece models.
- Full range of applications micro-circuits to heavy connections temperature control range 550ºF to 850ºF ± 10ºF
- ESD safe, spike-free performance meets all MIL Spec requirements. Removable dross tray meets EPA solder handling requirements
- Left side, right side or dual holder options.
- Wide selection Xtradur type CT tip shapes and sizes.
- All parts are independently replaceable.